Well, where do I start. My name is David, I enjoy long walks on the beach and a good book. Mint toothpaste is my favorite kind, and the best kind of sandwhich is peanut butter and jelly.
Oh, you wanted to know why I wrote this blog?
Well, I've enjoyed video games my entire life. Ever since I was 5, and my dad used to play old Mario games with me I've been entranced by these little wonders. Not only are they fun, but they're a great way to have fun with your friends. More importantly, they show us everything we want in life: adventure, love, and everything in between.
My gaming experiences include:
- SNES -N64 -Dreamcast -Playstation 1 -Playstation 2
- Gameboy Color -Gameboy Advance -Gamecube -Xbox
-Xbox 360 -Wii - Computer games - PSP
-And many more
I hope to share my experience with you, as you with me, and to offer this blog as a place to discuss one of the best activities to date, playing video games.